The Luftwaffe over the Bristol area - Luftwaffe bombing operations over the Bristol area 1940-44
NOTE: AF = Airfield; BAC = Bristol Aeroplane Company; SL = Searchlight; AA = Anti Aircraft Gun Site; t/o = took off; cr. = crashed; c. = circa; Figure in brackets following aircraft type indicates number attacking.
JUNE 1940
19/20: III/KG 27, Merville, He 111 (2), BAC Filton & Avonmouth Docks with SC 250, SC 50, B1 El, monitored 00.40 - 04.06 hrs.
24/25: I/KG 27, Merville, He 111 (2), BAC Filton with 60 SC 50, 720 B1 El, landed 02.30 hrs.
25/26: KG 27, He 111's, Avonmouth & Portishead Docks, monitored 21.25 - 04.43 hrs.
26/27: KG 27, He 111 (3), Avonmouth & Portishead Docks with SC 250, SC 50, Flam 250. Alternative (3) SL & Railway Station nr. Bristol, monitored 02.00 - 04.06 hrs.
27/28: I & III/KG 51, Villacoublay, Ju 88's t/o 23.00 - 00.30 hrs, Avonmouth & Portishead Docks with SD 250. Alternative (4) Filton AF & SL nr. Bristol with 10 SC 250, 10 Flam 250, 48 SC 50.
29/30: I/KG 27, Merville, He 111's, Bristol Docks, 00.50 - 02.05 hrs with 8 SC 250, 52 SC 50.
30/01: I/KG 27, Merville, 5 He 111, t/o 22.30 - 23.10 hrs, BAC Filton & Bristol Docks, aborted. III/KG 55, Villacoublay, 1 He 111, crossed French Coast 22.20 hrs, BAC Filton, attacked.
JULY 1940
02/03: I/KG 55, Chartres, 8 He 111 t/o 21.30 - 22.20 hrs, Bristol, Avonmouth, & Portishead Docks. Alternative (6) Bristol with 18 SD 250, 72 SD 50.
03/04: II/KG 51, Orly, 3 Ju 88 t/o 14.45 - 15.15 hrs, Armed Reconnaissance in Bristol Area, Portishead Docks attacked.
04/05: III/KG 54, Le Bourget, 1 He 111, t/o 10.00 hrs on weather reporting & attack on BAC Filton. Aircraft lost cr. Gillingham, Dorset.
07/08: II/KG 55, Chartres, 3 He 111 t/o 12.15 hrs, BAC Filton aborted.
08/09: III/KG 54, Le Bourget, 3 He 111, night attack on Grain Silo & Electricity Works nr. Bristol with 8 SC 250.
10/11: II/LG 1, Orl�ans, 1 Ju 88 t/o 12.00 hrs, Bristol (Feint for main attack on Swansea). Aborted.
11/12: I/KG 51, Orly, 9 Ju 88 t/o 22.00 - 01.20 hrs, Oil Tanks at Avonmouth & Portishead. Portishead bombed (1), also alternative SL & AA nr. Bristol (4). 2 Ju 88's lost in France & at sea.
14/15: I/KG 55, Villacoublay, He 111's t/o 21.15 - 2.40 hrs, Oil Tanks at Avonmouth. Tanks attacked, also alternative SL nr. Bristol with SD 50, Flam 250.
22/23: Stab & I/KG 51, Melun, Ju 88's t/o 22.12 - 22.54 hrs, BAC Filton. Alternative SL nr. Bristol with SC 250.
26/27: II/KG 55, Chartres, He 111's t/o 21.00 - 23.30 hrs, BAC Filton. Alternative SL nr. Bristol with SC 250, SD 50, Flam 250.
28/29: III/KG 55, Villacoublay, He 111's, Rolls Royce Crewe. Alternative SL nr. Bristol 23.30 hrs with 4 SC 250, 24 SC 50.
29/30: III/KG 55, Villacoublay, He 111's, BAC Filton, 23.10 - 01.30 hrs with 14 SC 50, also alternative Oil Tanks at Avonmouth attacked.
30/31: I/KG 55, Villacoublay, He 111's, BAC Filton & Oil Tanks at Avonmouth, 23.00 - 00.15 hrs with SC 250, SD 50, Flam 250.
01/02: II/KG 55, Chartres, 4 He 111 t/o 21.30 hrs. Bristol (2) with 14 packs of leaflets, also BAC Filton & Parnall Yate (2). Alternative (2) factory and SL nr. Bristol 23.30 & 24.00 hrs with 10 SC 250, 12 SD 50, 1 Flam 250.
02/03: II/KG 51, Orly, Ju 88's, 22.00 - 23.40 hrs, BAC Filton. Alternative SL nr. Bristol with SC 250, SC 50.
03/04: I/KG 55, Dreux, 2 He 111, BAC Filton, 22.16 hrs with 2 SC 250, 24 SD 50. III/KG 55, Villacoublay, 1 He 111, night mission to the Bristol Area, lost cr. into the sea.
08/09: I/KG 55, Dreux, 3 He 111 t/o 20.30 - 20.40 hrs, BAC Filton, 12 SC 50, 2 Flam 250. II/KG 27, Bourges & Dinard, He 111's. Alternative SL nr. Bristol 02.15 - 02.30 hrs with 30 SD 50.
09/10: II/KG 27, Bourges & Dinard, 12 He 111, Filton AF, 24.00 hrs with 20 SD 50 also leaflets dropped nr. Bristol.
10/11: II/KG 27, Bourges & Dinard, He 111's, S.Wales Ports. Alternative Bristol Dock attacked 23.40 - 23.50 hrs, also leaflets dropped over Bristol.
11/12: II/KG 27, Bourges & Dinard, 7 He 111, BAC Filton & Avonmouth Docks. Alternatives Bristol Docks at 23.35 hrs with 60 SD 50 and SL nr. Bristol at 23.00 hrs with 14 SD 50. 1 (from Dinard) lost cr. Sturminster Marshall, Dorset. III/KG 55, Villacoublay, He 111's, t/o 20.15 - 21.00 hrs, BAC Filton. Alternative Oil Tanks Avonmouth with 6 SC 250, 48 SC 50. 1 lost cr. France.
12/13: II/KG 27, Bourges & Dinard, He 111's t/o 24.00 - 00.18 hrs, RAF Sealand, Cheshire. Alternative industrial installation nr. Bristol attacked.
13/14: II/KG 27, Bourges & Dinard, 2 He 111, BAC Filton & AF, 00.15 hrs with 12 SD 50, also SL nr. Bristol 24.00 - 02.05 hrs with 18 SD 50.
14/15: I/LG 1, Orl�ans, Ju 88's t/o 14.42 - 15.12 hrs, Armed Reconnaissance over W.Country. Railway station & quays at Weston s Mare, & Whitchurch Airport with SC 250, SD 50, Flam 250. III/KG 27, Rennes, He 111's, t/o 15.51 - 18.30 hrs, Armed Reconn. over W.Country. BAC Filton with 6 SC 250, 12 SC 50, 12 SD 50, 3 Flam 250, also factory N of Bristol. 3 lost cr. Chartehouse & Puriton, Som. & in Bristol Channel.
15/16: III/KG 27, Rennes, He 111's t/o 08.01 - 08.28 hrs, BAC Filton & AF aborted. II/KG 27, Bourges & Dinard, He 111's, BAC Filton & Avonmouth Docks. BAC Filton 00.50 hrs with 40 SD 50 also alternative SL nr. Bristol SD 50.
16/17: II/KG 27, Bourges & Dinard, He 111's, Filton AF & Avonmouth Docks 23.25 - 03.30 hrs with SC 250 LZZ, SC 50, SD 50 also alternative SL nr. Bristol.
17/18: II/KG 27, Bourges & Dinard, He 111's, BAC Filton & Avonmouth Docks, 23.10 - 02.05 hrs with 3 SC 250 LZZ, 46 SD 50.
18/19: II/KG 27, Bourges & Dinard, He 111's and III/KG 27, Rennes, He 111's, night Armed Reconnaissance to Airfields & Harbours. Avonmouth and SL nr. Bristol attacked.
22/23: KGr 100, Vannes, 23 He 111, BAC Filton (16) 23.10 - 02.50 hrs with 333 SC 50, 576 B1 El. Alternative Railway Station nr. Bristol with 12 SC 50 and AA nr. Bristol 02.45 hrs with 10 SC 50. (X-Verfahren guided).
23/24: I/KG 27, Tours, 11 He 111, Avonmouth Docks, 23.10 - 00.05 hrs with 1 SC 250 LZZ, 2 SC 250, 120 SD 50, 864 B1 El. Alternative AA nr. Bristol 23.15 - 23.40 with 56 SD 50. II/KG 27, Bourges & Dinard, 8 He 111, Bristol Docks (7) 00.20 - 02.40 hrs with 3 SC 250 LZZ, 1 SC 250, 66 SD 50, 9 Flam 250. III/KG 27, Rennes, 12 He 111, Bristol Docks, 22.45 - 00.55 hrs with 7 SC 250, 56 SC 50, 56 SD 50
24/25: I/KG 27, Tours, 9 He 111, Bristol Docks & Factories, 23.10 - 22.55 hrs with 2 SC 250, 85 SC 50, 1908 B1 El. Alternative 23.55 hrs factory NE of Bristol with 12 SC 50, 1 Flam 250, also AA NW of Bristol. II/KG 27, Bourges & Dinard, 14 He 111, Bristol Docks & Factories, 23.00 - 00.15 hrs with with 13 SC 250, 104 SC 50, 13 Flam 250, 1152 B1 El. III/KG 27, Rennes, 13 He 111 t/o 22.37 - 23.34 hrs, Bristol Docks & Factories, with 9 SC 250, 9 SC 250 LZZ, 54 SC 50, 54 SD 50, 3456 B1 El. I/LG 1, Orl�ans, 5 Ju 88 t/o 01.10 - 01.40 hrs, Bristol Docks (2). Alternative (1) Weston s Mare AF. III/LG 1, Ch�teaudun, 3 Ju 88, Bristol Docks (2) 03.45 hrs with 3 SC 250, 10 SD 50, 3 Flam 250.
25/26: III/KG 27, Rennes, He 111's, Birmingham, Alternative (1) Avonmouth Docks 23.00 hrs.
26/27: III/KG 55, Villacoublay, He 111's, Filton AF and alternative railway installations nr. Bristol 22.10 - 23.15 hrs.
27/28: KGr 606, Brest, 11 Do 17, Bristol Area. Avonmouth 23.00 - 03.30 hrs with 20 SC 250, 105 B1 El. Military targets at Bristol 50 SC 50, 225 B1 El. III/KG 27, Rennes, He 111's, Bristol Area, 23.45 hrs with 1 SC 250, 4 SC 50.
28/29: KGr 606, Brest, 23 Do 17, night attack on Bristol (22) 190 SC 50, 900 B1 El. KG 27, He 111; LG 1 Ju 88; KGr 806 Ju 88, Liverpool. Alternative night attack on Bristol.
29/30: III/LG 1, Ch�teaudun, Ju 88's, I/KG 27, He 111's, Tours; I/KG 55, He 111's, Dreux, Liverpool. Alternative night attack on Bristol (6) with 14 SC 250, 4 SC 50, 4 Flam 250, 216 B1 El. III/LG 1 (2); I/KG 27 (2) plus 1 lost cr. Fordingbridge, Hants; and I/KG 55 (1).
30/31: II/KG 27, Bourges & Dinard, He 111's; III/KG 27, Rennes, He 111's; I/LG 1, Ju 88's, Orl�ans; III/LG 1, Ch�teaudun, Ju 88's; II/KG 51, Orly, Ju 88's, Liverpool. Alternative night attack on Bristol (10).
31/01: I/KG 27, Tours, He 111's; KGr 806, Nantes, Ju 88's, Liverpool. Some made night attack on Bristol as alternative.
01/02: Target - Bristol; 31 dispatched, 21 attacked Bristol, 5 Avonmouth, 4 Portishead, 1 local alternative. I/KG 55, Dreux, 9 He 111, 20.15 - 21.05 hrs with 12 SC 250, 6 SC 250 LZZ, 36 SC 50, 9 Flam 250 (Portishead 2, Avonmouth 2). III/KG 55, Villacoublay, 10 He 111, 21.15 hrs - 22.00 hrs with 10 SC 250 LZZ, 8 SC 50, 10 Flam 250 (Portishead 1, Avonmouth 2). I/KG 51, Melun, 4 Ju 88, 23.15 - 23.45 hrs with 10 SC 250, 10 Flam 250 (Portishead 1, Avonmouth 1, SL S. of Bristol 1). II/KG 51, Orly, 6 Ju 88, 22.15 - 23.15 hrs with 3 SC 500, 10 SC 250, 3 Falm 250. III/KG 51, Etamps, 2 Ju 88, 03.15 - 03.30 hrs with 3 SC 500, 10 SC 50, 4 Flam 250.
02/03: II/KG 27, Bourges & Dinard, 3 He 111 t/o 20.30 - 21.00 hrs, BAC Filton with 48 SC 50. II/KG 55, Chartres, He 111's, Liverpool. Alternative night attack on Bristol.
03/04: Target - Avonmouth. St/KG 55, Villacoublay, 1 He 111, Bristol 01.22 hrs with 1 SC 250, 12 SC 50. I/KG 55, Dreux, 10 He 111, Avonmouth & Bristol (9) 21.45 - 22.50 hrs with 15 SC 250, 6 SC 250 LZZ, 22 SC 50, 21 Flam 250. III/KG 55, Villacoublay, 10 He 111, Bristol 23.17 - 01.08 hrs with 10 SC 250 LZZ, 80 SC 50, 10 Flam 250.
04/05: Target - Bristol. 47 aircraft attacked at night. I/KG 27, Tours, 1 He 111, 1 SC 250, 4 SC 50, 2 Flam 250. II/LG 1, Orl�ans, 1 Ju 88, 3 SC 50, 1 Flam 250. I/KG 51, Melun, 6 Ju 88, (5) 15 SC 250, 3 SC 250 LZZ, 2 Flam 250. Alternative Avonmouth (1) 3 SC 250, 1 Flam 250. II/KG 51, Orly, 5 Ju 88, 10 SC 250, 5 Flam 250. III/KG 51, Etamps, 11 Ju 88, 28 SC 250, 7 SC 250 LZZ, 9 Flam 250. I/KG 55, Dreux, 11 He 111, 2 SC 250, 2 SC 250 LZZ, 188 SC 50, 4 Flam 250. II/KG 55, Chartres, 13 He 111, 13 SC 250, 6 SC 250 LZZ, 256 SC 50, 13 Falm 250. I/LG 1, Orl�ans, 1 Ju 88, Liverpool. Alternative AA nr. Bristol with 2 SC 250, 10 SC 50, 1 Flam 250.
05/06: II/KG 27, Bourges & Dinard, He 111's, Liverpool. Alternative night attack on Bristol. III/KG 27, Rennes, He 111's, Liverpool, Alternative night attack on Bristol.
07/08: 3(F)/123, Buc, 1 Ju 88, Armed Reconn. Bristol Area t/o 06.27 hrs. Over area 10.10 hrs, again at 10.30 hrs when it circled. 5 H.E.'s (including 1 UXB) dropped on Bristol City Centre.
07/08: III/KG 27, Rennes, He 111's, London. Alternative night attack on Bristol with 1 SC 250, 16 SC 50.
09/10: I/KG 27, Tours, He 111's, Liverpool. Alternative night attack on Bristol.
10/11: II/KG 27, Bourges & Dinard, 3 He 111, Bristol, 22.20 - 01.08 hrs with 60 SC 50.
12/13: III/KG 27, Rennes, He 111's, Liverpool, Alternative night attack on Bristol with 10 SC 50, 144 B1 El.
15/16: II/KG 27, Bourges & Dinard, He 111's, London. Alternative Avonmouth (4) 23.30 - 00.30 hrs with 60 SC 50, 4 Flam 250, 576 B1 El.
16/17: I/KG 55, Dreux, 1 He 111 t/o 10.30 hrs, BAC Filton. Aborted. I/KG 27, Tours, He 111's, London, Alternatives 21.00 - 23.10 hrs, Bristol Docks (2) with 3 SC 250, 1 SC 250 LZZ, 14 SC 50: Bath (1) with 2 SC 250, 14 SC 50.
17/18: KGr 606, Brest, Do 17's, Liverpool. Alternative night attack on Bristol (1) with 10 SC 50, 72 B1 El. III/KG 27, Rennes, He 111's London. Alternative Bristol (1) 21.10 - 00.06 hrs with 1 SC 250, 14 SC 50, 1 Flam 250.
24/25: II/KG 27, Bourges & Dinard, He 111's, Liverpool. Alternative Bristol (2) 00.05 - 02.15 hrs with 6 SC 250, 4 SC 50, 1 Flam 250, 576 B1 El.
25/26: Target - BAC Filton; 68 dispatched; 58 attacked; 6 aborted; 4 lost. St/KG 55, Villacoublay, 5 He 111 (2) 11.45 - 11.50 hrs with 8 SC 250. I/KG 55, Dreux, 21 He 111 (18), 11.45 hrs with 68 SC 250, 17 SC 250 LZZ. 1 lost cr. Studland, Dorset. II/KG 55, Chartres, 24 He 111 (20), 11.40 hrs with 150 SC 250, 24 Flam 250. 2 lost cr. Failand & Woolverton, Somerset. III/KG 55, Villacoublay, 18 He 111 (17), 11.45 hrs with 74 SC 250, 24 Flam 250. 1 lost cr. Poole, Dorset. I,II,III/ZG 26, Cherbourg, Le Havre, Thiberville, 52 Bf 110, Fighter Escort. 3 lost cr. Boyton, Wilts; in English Channel; France.
25/26: KGr 606, Brest, Do 17's, Liverpool. Alternative night attack on Bristol (1) with 10 SC 50, 60 B1 El.
27/28: Epr Gr 210, Cherbourg, 10 Bf 110, Parnall Aircraft Yate, aborted. 20 SC 250 jettisoned on edge of Bristol. 4 lost cr. Tarrent Gunville, Iwerne Minster, and Kimmeridge, in Dorset also 1 in English Channel. I,II,III/ZG 26, Cherbourg, Le Havre, Thiberville, 42 Bf 110, Fighter Escort. 6 lost cr. Bristol; Radstock, Som; Piddletrenthide, Arne, Kimmeridge, Dorset; also 1 in the English Channel.
27/28: KGr 606, Brest, Do 17's, Liverpool. Alternative night attack on Bristol (1) with 10 SC 50, 60 B1 El.
29/30: III/KG 27, Rennes, He 111's, Liverpool. Alternative Bristol Channel Area (1) 22.30 hrs with 4 SC 250.
01/02: KGr 100, Vannes, He 111's, Manchester. Alternative Bristol (1) 00.48 hrs with 4 SC 250, 2 Flam 250.
06/07: II/KG 55, Chartres, 1 He 111 t/o 16.19 hrs, Parnall Yate. Aborted.
10/11: III/KG 55, Villacoublay, 1 He 111 t/o 03.45 hrs, BAC Filton. Aborted. 2 crew identified:- Oblt. Speck von Sternberg (F); Ofw. Martin Reiser (B).
12/13: II/KG 55, Chartres, 3 He 111, Parnall Yate. Alternative Bristol & Avonmouth 20.40 - 21.45 hrs with 2 SC 1000, 11 SC 250, 2 Flam 250, 289 B1 El.
13/14: III/KG 27, Rennes, He 111's, Liverpool. Alternative Bristol (1) 23.15 hrs with 4 SC 250, 144 B1 El.
14/15: 4(F)/14, 1 Do 17, t/o 03.45 hrs (14/10) on armed reconnaisance and weather reporting mission jettisoned 4 SC 50 in the Bristol Area.
14/15: KGr 606, Brest, 2 Do 17, Bristol (1) 21.00 hrs with 10 SC 50, 60 B1 El. Alternative Avonmouth (1) 21.15 hrs with 10 SC 50, 60 B1 El.
15/16: III/KG 55, Villacoublay, 1 He 111, BAC Filton. Alternative Avonmouth 06.10 hrs with 4 SC 250, 3 Flam 250. 3 crew identified:- Oblt. Speck von Sternberg (F); Ofw. Martin Reiser (B); Uffz. Josef Schr�der (Bm).
15/16: KGr 606, Brest, 8 Do 17, Bristol, 19.40 - 21.45 hrs with 80 SC 50, 480 B1 El. III/KG 55, Villacoublay, 1 He 111, BAC Filton. 4 SC 250, 2 Flam 250 dropped SW of Filton at 22.49 hrs.
16/17: KGr 606, Brest, Do 17's, Liverpool. Alternative Bristol (1) 21.06 hrs with 10 SC 50, 60 B1 El
18/19: II/KG 27, Bourges & Dinard, He 111's Birkenhead, Alternative Bristol (1) 20.15 hrs with 3 SC 250, 1 SC 250 LZZ.
19/20: III/KG 55, Villacoublay, 1 He 111, daytime attack on BAC Filton. Aborted. 2 crew identified :- Oblt. Speck von Sternberg (F); Ofw. Martin Reiser (B).
19/20: KGr 606, Brest, Do 17's, Liverpool. Alternative Bristol (2) 20.05 - 20.30 hrs with 20 SC 50, 120 B1 El. I/KG 27, Tours, He 111's, Liverpool. Alternative (2) 19.30 - 22.25 hrs with 6 SC 250, 2 SC 250 LZZ, 36 B1 El.
20/21: KGr 606, Brest, Do 17's, Birmingham. Alternative night attack on Bristol (1) with 10 SC 50, 60 B1 El.
21/22: KGr 606, Brest, Do 17's, Liverpool. Alternative Bristol (1) 22.45 hrs with 10 SC 50, 60 B1 El. III/KG 27, Rennes, He 111's, Liverpool. Alternative Bristol (1) 23.15 hrs with 4 SC 250.
22/23: KGr 606, Brest, Do 17's, Liverpool. Alternative Bristol (1) 20.35 hrs with 10 SC 50, 60 B1 El.
24/25: III/KG 55, Villacoublay, 1 He 111, BAC Filton. Alternative railway junction E. of Filton 13.27 hrs with 4 SC 250, 4 SC 50. Crew:- Oblt. Speck von Sternberg (F); Oblt Martin Reiser (B); Uffz. Josef Schr�der (Bm); Ofw. Konrad Rabenstein (Bf); PK Sfr. Kirchhoff (War Correspondent); Fw R�hle (Bs).
25/26: I/LG 1, Orl�ans, Ju 88's, Birmingham. Alternative Bristol (1) 20.10 hrs with 2 SC 500. III/KG 27, Rennes, He 111's, Liverpool. Alternative Bristol (1) 22.35 hrs with 4 SC 250, 144 B1 El.
26/27: II/KG 27, Bourges & Dinard, He 111's, Liverpool. Alternative Bristol (2) 22.10 - 22.35 hrs with 7 SC 250, 1 SC 250 LZZ
27/28: KGr 606, Brest, Do 17's. Alternative (1) Bristol 21.00 hrs with 1 SC 250, 60 B1 El. II/LG 1, Orl�ans, Ju 88's. Alternative (1) Bristol 21.10 hrs with 2 SC 500
28/29: KG 27, 1 He 111, Bristol (Feint for main attack on Birmingham) 21.45 hrs with 4 SC 250, 144 B1 El.
29/30: KGr 606, Brest, 1 Do 17, Bristol (Feint for main attack against Birmingham/Coventry), 21.55 hrs with 10 SC 50, 60 B1 El.
30/31: I/LG 1, Orl�ans, 1 Ju 88, Bristol (Feint for main attacks on Sheffield/Nottingham), 20.04 hrs with 2 SC 500, 1 Flam 250.
31/01: III/KG 55, Villacoublay, 1 He 111 t/o 10.46 hrs, BAC Filton. Aborted. crew:- Oblt. Speck von Sternberg (F); Ofw. Martin Reiser (B). Uffz. Josef Schr�der (Bm); Ofw. Konrad Rabenstein (Bf); Fw R�hle (Bs).
01/02: II/KG 55, Chartres, 1 He 111, daytime attack on Industrial & Railway targets on S. edge of Bristol with 1 SC 1000, 4 SC 250. III/KG 27, Rennes, 1 He 111, Bristol (Feint for main attack on Birmingham) 20.00 hrs with 3 SC 250, 1 SC 250 LZZ.
06/07: III/KG 27, Rennes, 3 He 111, night attack on Bristol, with 6 SC 250, 30 SC 50, 432 B1 El.
20/21: Feint for main night attack on Birmingham. III/KG 27, Rennes, 1 He 111, Bristol with 20 SC 50. KGr 606, Brest, 1 Do 17, Bristol, 22.10 hrs with 10 SC 50, 60 B1 El.
21/22: II,III/LG 1, Orl�ans & Ch�teaudun, 8 Ju 88, Bristol, 19.50 - 20.04 hrs with 5 SC 500, 13 SC 250, 20 SC 50.
23/24: KGr 606, Brest, 1 Do 17, Bristol (Feint for main attack on Southampton), 19.40 hrs with 10 SC 50, 60 B1 El.
24/25: Target - Bristol: Concentration point both sides of the City Docks. 148 aircraft dispatched, 135 over Bristol, 2 lost. I/KG 1, Montdidier, 15 He 111 (12), 20.49 - 22.00 hrs with 19 SC 250, 140 SD 50, 1152 B1 El. III/KG 26, Poix-Nord, 4 He 111, 18.47 - 19.51 hrs with 3 SC 500, 12 SC 250, 3 Flam 250. (Y-Verfahren guided). LG 1, Orl�ans & Ch�teaudun, 22 Ju 88 (21) 19.33 - 20.20 hrs with 3 SC 1000, 17 SC 500, 36, SC 250, 40 SD 250. I/KG 27, Tours, 15 He 111's, 20.20 - 21.00 with 15 SC 250, 252 SC 50. III/KG 27, Rennes, 15 He 111 (14), 21.00 - 22.00 with 12 SC 250, 200 SC 50. KGr 100, Vannes, 11 He 111, 18.58 - 19.37 hrs with 112 SC 50mV, 4690 B1 El ZA. KGr 606, Brest, 5 Do 17, 21.35 - 22.00 with 50 SC 50, 240 B1 El. I lost returning cr. Penlee Point, Cornwall. I/KG 51, Melun, 14 Ju 88 (11), 21.10 - 22.35 with 15 SC 500, 18 SC 250. II/KG 51, Orly, 10 Ju 88, 21.39 - 22.20 hrs with 15 SC 500, 10 Flam 250, 50 SC 50. III/KG 51, Bretigny, 7 Ju 88, 22.10 - 23.00 hrs with 3 SC 1000, 3 SC 500, 2 Flam 500, 3 SC 250, 2 Flam 250, 10 SC 50. St/KG 55, Vilacoublay, 2 He 111, 19.15 - 19.25 hrs with 32 SD 50, 456 B1 El. I/KG 55, Dreux, 16 He 111 (12), 20.20 - 21.08 hrs with 7 SC 1000, 1 SC 500, 96 SD 50, 1152 B1 El. II/KG 55, Chartres, 14 He 111, 18.30 - 19.15 hrs with 5 SC 1800, 9 PC 1400, 5 SC 1000, 28 SC 50, 28 SD 50. 1 lost returning cr. in sea off Isle of Wight. III/KG 55, Villacoublay, 11 He 111 (10), 19.30 - 20.14 hrs with 180 SD 50, 3888 B1 El.
25/26: KGr 100, Vannes, 9 He 111's, Avonmouth, 1845 - 19.11 hrs with 72 SC 50, 6 480 B1 El (X-Verfahren guided).
26/27: KGr 100, Vannes, 7 He 111, Avonmouth (4) 18.32 - 18.48 with 24 SC 50, 2640 B1 El, 528 B1 El ZA (X-Verfahren guided). III/KG 26, Poix-Nord, He 111's, night attack on Bristol. Aborted.
28/29: Target - Liverpool, Bristol attacked at night as alternative. KG 26, 2 He 111 21.30 hrs with 2 SC 500, 4 SC 250, 288 B1 El. KG 76, 1 Ju 88, 2 SC 500. III/KG 27, Rennes, 1 He 111, 23.00 hrs with 1152 B1 El. KGr 100, Vannes, 2 He 111, 20.00 - 20.30 hrs, 2016 B1 El. II/LG 1, Orl�ans, 3 Ju 88, 20.45 - 01.25 hrs with 1 SC 1000, 3 SC 500, 2 SC 250.
02/03: Target - Bristol: Docks & Harbour Area. 132 aircraft dispatched, 121 attacked Bristol, 1 an alternative in the Bristol area. 1 lost. I/KG 1, Montdidier, 13 He 111, 17.20 - 20.35 hrs and III/KG 1, Achiet, 7 Ju 88, 18.28 - 19.22 hrs with 14 SC 500, 53 SC 250, 14 SC 250 LZZ, 5328 B1 El. II/KG 77, Rheims, 15 Ju 88 (11), 19.43 - 20.51 hrs with 7 SC 1000, 8 SC 500, 5 SC 250LZZ. II/LG 1, Orl�ans, 11 Ju 88, 19.00 - 19.35 hrs with 1 SC 1000, 18 SC 500, 19 SC 250 LZZ. III/LG 1, Ch�teaudun, 9 Ju 88 (8), 18.48 - 19.40 hrs with 4 SC 1000, 8 SC 500. I/KG 27, Tours, 14 He 111, 20.40 - 21.45 hrs with 1 SC 500, 13 SC 250, 220 SC 50, 2888 B1 El. III/KG 27, Rennes, 9 He 111 (8), 20.20 - 20.52 hrs with 8 SC 250, 120 SC 50, 1152 B1 El. KGr 100, Vannes, 10 He 111, 18.37 - 19.06 hrs with 48 SC 50, 7855 B1 El, 785 B1 El ZA. (X-Verfahren guided). KGr 606, Brest, 8 Do 17 (5), 21.55 - 22.15 hrs with 50 SC 50, 300 B1 El. 1 Do 17 attacked vicinity of Bristol at 21.00 hrs with 1 SC 250, 60 B1 El. 1 lost cr. taking off in France. I/KG 54, Evreux, 4 Ju 88, 21.50 - 22.30 hrs with 8 SC 250, 20 SC 50, 20 SD 50. II/KG 54, St.Andr�, 4 Ju 88, 20.50 - 21.43 hrs with 2 SC 1000, 3 SC 500, 3 Flam 500. KGr 806, Nantes, 5 Ju 88 (4), 21.23 - 22.04 hrs with 1 SC 1000, 4 SC 500, 3 Flam 500. I/KG 55, Dreux, 10 He 111, 20.28 - 21.08 hrs with 9 SC 1000, 1 SC 500, 120 SC 50, 1152 B1 El. II/KG 55, Chartres, 13 He 111 (12), 18.30 - 19.55 hrs with 3 SC 1800, 1 SD 1700, 1 PC 1400, 3 SC 1000, 10 SC 50, 10 SD 50, 2700 B1 El.
04/05: III/KG 55, Villacoublay, 1 He 111 t/o 14.25 hrs. Nuisance attack on Bristol. Alternative railway works nr. Bristol at 16.25 hrs with 4 SC 250, 12, SC 50.
06/07: Target - Bristol: Docks & Harbour Area. 80 aircraft dispatched, 67 attacked, 3 lost. I & III/KG 77, Juvincourt, 15 Ju 88 (11), 19.20 - 21.10 hrs with 10 SC 1000, 2 SC 500, 7 SC 250 LZZ. 1 lost cr. France. I/LG 1, Orl�ans, 3 Ju 88, 20.00 - 20.10 hrs with 2 SC 1000, 3 SC 500, 2 SC 250. II/LG 1, Orl�ans, 6 Ju 88 (5), 20.00 - 20.18 hrs with 8 SC 500, 4 SC 250. II/KG 27, Bourges, 10 He 111 (7), 19.50 - 20.25 hrs with 7 SC 250, 82 SC 50, 576 B1 El. 1 lost cr. France. I/KG 51, Melun, 9 Ju 88 (8), 21.45 - 22.45 hrs with 2 SC 1000, 12 SC 500, 7 SC 250, 2 Flam 250. 1 lost cr. France. II/KG 51, Orly, 7 Ju 88, 20.50 - 21.35 hrs with 14 SC 500. I/KG 55, Dreux, 11 He 111 (8), 20.30 - 21.35 hrs with 5 SC 1000, 84 SC 50, 896 B1 El. II/KG 55, Chartres, 11 He 111 (9), 19.20 - 20.10 hrs with 2 SC 1800, 1 SD 1700, 4 PC 1400, 4 SC 500, 12 SC 50, 12 SD 50, 1920 B1 El. III/KG 55, Villacoublay, 11 He 111 (9), 19.50 - 20.20 hrs with 31 SC 250, 36 SD 50, 2304 B1 El.
11/12: Feint for main attack on Birmingham. KGr 606, Brest, 1 Do 17, Bristol 20.25 hrs with 10 SC 50, 60 B1 El. III/KG 27, Rennes, 1 He 111, Bristol, 22.55 hrs with 4 SC 250. I/LG 1, Orl�ans, 1 Ju 88, Avonmouth, 22.30 hrs with 1 SC 1000, 1 SC 250.
12/13: III/KG 27, Rennes, 1 He 111, Bristol (Feint for main night attack on Sheffield). Aborted.
15/16: I/KG 27, Tours, 3 He 111, Bristol (Feint for main attack on Sheffield) 20.20 - 20.25 hrs with 7 SC 250, 432 B1 El.
20/21: III/KG 77, Juvincourt, 1 Ju 88, Bristol (Feint for main attack on Liverpool). 18.50 hrs with 1 SC 1000 and 1 SC 250. 1 aircraft (unit unrecorded) attacked Bristol as an alternative at 22.10 hrs with 30 SC 50, 72 B1 El.
21/22: III/KG 27, Rennes, 1 He 111, Liverpool. Alternative target south of Bristol at 20.20 hrs with 4 SC 250.
22/23: I/KG 27, Tours, 2 He 111, Bristol (Feint for main attack on Manchester) 20.20 hrs with 4 SC 250, 8 SC 50, 476 B1 El. III/KG 27, Rennes, 1 He 111, Manchester. Alternative Bristol at 20.35 hrs with 2 SC 250, 1 SC 250 LZZ. KGr 100, Vannes, 1 He 111, Manchester. Alternative Bristol at 18.29 hrs with 1008 B1 El.
23/24: KGr 606, Brest, 1 Do 17, Bristol (Feint for main attack on Manchester) 22.00 hrs with 10 SC 50, 60 B1 EL.
03/04: Target - Bristol with Concentration Point the Town Centre on both sides of the River Avon. 202 aircraft of Luftflotte 2 & 3 dispatched, 178 attacked, 1 lost.
Luftflotte 3 dispatched 125 aircraft, 111 attacked. I & III/KG 1, Montdidier, 11 He 111 (10) and 4 Ju 88 (3), 18.35 - 20.10 hrs with 1 SC 1000, 5 SC 500, 3 SC 250 LZZ, 11,520 B1 El. I & III/KG 77, Rheims & Juvincourt, 21 Ju 88 (19), 18.55 - 20.35 hrs with 7 SC 1000, 13 SC 500, 1 SC 500 LZZ, 4500 B1 El. I/KG 26, Beauvais, 10 He 111 (9), 19.20 - 20.00 hrs with 7 SC 1000, 2 SC 500, 6 SC 250 LZZ, 3742 B1 El. III/KG 26, Poix-Nord, 4 He 111, 19.35 hrs - 20.06 hrs with 4 SC 1000, 576 B1 El. I/LG 1, Orl�ans, 6 Ju 88 (4), 23.25 - 00.10 hrs with 4 SC 1000, 3 SC 500, 2 SC 250 LZZ. I/KG 27, Tours, 15 He 111 (14), 21.50 - 23.08 hrs with 1 SC 500, 8 SC 250, 6 SC 250 LZZ, 48 SC 50, 9720 B1 El, 1080 B1 El ZA. II/KG 27, Bourges, 9 He 111, 21.55 - 23.30 hrs with 4 SC 250, 5 SC 250 LZZ, 6480 B1 El. KGr 100, Vannes, 9 He 111's, 19.20 - 19.40 hrs with 9332 B1 El, 1036 B1 El ZA. (X-Verfahren guided). I/KG 54, Evreux, 8 Ju 88 (7), 20.40 - 22.35 hrs with 16 SC 250, 30 SC 50, 25 SD 50, 180 B1 El. II/KG 54, St.Andr�, 6 Ju 88, 21.04 - 21.45 hrs with 8 SC 500, 4 Flam 500. St/KG 55, Vilacoublay, 1 He 111. Aborted. I/KG 55, Dreux, 4 He 111 (3), 20.14 - 20.21 hrs with 12 SC 250. II/KG 55, Chartres, 11 He 111 (9), 19.05 - 19.43 hrs with 4 SC 1800, 5 PC 1400, 3096 B1 El. III/KG 55, Villacoublay, 5 He 111, 19.45 - 20.10 hrs with 24 SC 250, 16 SD 50, 864 B1 El.
Luftflotte 2 dispatched 77 aircraft, 67 attacked from ? - 00.38 hrs then 01.12 - 05.51 hrs with 10 SC 1800, 30 SC 1000, 10 SC 500, 3 SC 250 LZZ, 7 SC 250, 274 SC/SD 50, 1440 B1 El. 1 lost. (Units not confirmed) :- II/KG 2, Merville, Do 17's; Stab & III/KG 2, Cambrai, Do 17's; I/KG 3, Le Coult, Do 17's; II/KG 3,Antwerp, Do 17's; III/KG 3 St.Trond, Do 17's. 1 lost cr. Belgium; I/KG 53, Vitry, He 111's; I/KG 4, Soesterberg, He 111's; II/KG 4, Soesterberg, He 111's; II/KG 30, Amsterdam, Ju 88's.
04/05: Target - Avonmouth, 165 aircraft of Luftflotte 2 & 3 dispatched, 103 attacked. None lost.
Luftflotte 3 dispatched 87 aircraft, 75 attacked. I & III/KG 77, Rheims & Juvincourt, 25 Ju 88, 22.25 - 00.09 hrs with 13 SC 1000, 16 SC 500, 4896 B1 El. I/KG 26, Beauvais, 10 He 111, 22.28 - 00.20 hrs with 8 SC 1000, 2 SC 500, 6 SC 250, 3168 B1 El. I/KG 27, Tours, 14 He 111 (11), 21.40 - 22.25 hrs with 2 SC 500, 16 SC 250, 80 SC 50. (1) Portishead as alternative 22.05 hrs with 2 SC 250, 8 SC 50, 578 B1 El. II/KG 27, Bourges, 11 He 11 (10), 21.43 hrs - 22.43 hrs with 10 SC 250, 10 SC 250 LZZ, 40 SC 50, 5040 B1 El. KGr 100, Vannes, 10 He 111 (6), 18.57 - 19.05 hrs with 6284 B1 El, 628 B1 El ZA. (X-Verfahren guided). I/KG 51, Melun, 4 He 111, 18.35 - 19.00 hrs with 4 SC 500, 8 SC 250. II/KG 51, Orly, 3 Ju 88 (2), 19.10 - 19.15 hrs with 1 SC 1000, 2 SC 500. (1) Bristol as alternative with 1 SC 1000. III/KG 51, Bretigny, 1 Ju 88, 19.25 hrs with 1 SC 1000. I/KG 54, Evreux, 4 Ju 88 (3), 20.10 - 20.25 hrs with 8 SC 250, 7 SC 50, 10 SD 50. II/KG 54, St.Andr�, 5 Ju 88 (2), 20.10 - 21.08 hrs with 3 SC 500, 3 Flam 500. (2) Bristol as alternative at 21.00 hrs with 4 SC 500.
Luftflotte 2 dispatched 78 aircraft to Avonmouth, 28 attacked and 21 Bristol as an alternative. Avonmouth bombed up to 06.15 hrs with 3 SC 1800, 7 SC 1000, 1 SC 250, 288 SC/SD 50, 725 B1 El. Bristol 23.45 - 04.27 hrs with 1 SC 1800, 12 SC 1000, 6 SC 500, 5 SC 250, 88 SC 50, 72 B1 El. (Units not confirmed):- I/KG 2, Cambrai, Do 17's; II/KG 2, Mervile, Do 17's; I/KG 3, Le Culot, Do 17's; III/KG 3, St.Trond, Do 17's; I/KG 53, Vitry, He 111's; I/KG 4, Soesterberg, He 111's; II/KG 4, Soesterberg, He 111's; I/KG 30, Eindhoven, Ju 88's; II/KG 30, Gilze-Rijen, Ju 88's.
09/10: I/KG 27, Tours, 1 He 111, Manchester, Alternative Bristol 22.20 hrs with 2 SC 250, 360 B1 El. KGr 100, Vannes, 1 He 111, Manchester, Alternative Bristol 21.02 hrs with 957 B1 El ZA. II/KG 54, St.Andr�, 1 Ju 88, Manchester, Alternative Bristol, 23.00 hrs with 3 SC 250 LZZ, 1 SC 50. I/KG 27, Tours, 2 He 111, Manchester, Alternative Avonmouth 22.55 - 23.12 hrs with 2 SC 250, 16 SC 50, 1152 B1 El.
11/12: I/KG 51, Melun, 1 Ju 88, Parnall Yate. Alternative Bristol 19.50 hrs with 1 SC 1000, 1 SC 250.
16/17: Target - Avonmouth, attack centred on the town and northern half of the dock area. 178 aircraft dispatched, 126 attacked, 15 to Bristol as alternative. 2 lost. III/KG 26, Poix-Nord, 7 He 111 (6), 19.40 - 22.30 hrs with 6 SC 1000, 96 SC 50 (Y-Verfahren guided). I/LG 1, Orl�ans, 12 Ju 88 (9), 04.05 - 05.08 hrs with 9 SC 1000, 8 SC 500. 1 lost cr. in the Sea. I/KG 27, Tours, 17 He 111 (13), 02.12 - 03.25 hrs with 4 SC 500, 25 SC 250, 76 SC 50, 5616 B1 El. (1) Alternative Bristol 01.55 hrs with 1 SC 250, 4 SC 50, 288 B1 El. II/KG 27, Bourges, 19 He 111, 02.03 - 03.55 hrs with 19 SC 250, 152 SC 50, 10,944 B1 El. III/KG 27, Rennes, 11 He 111, 02.20 - 03.47 hrs with 10 SC 250, 84 SC 50, 6192 B1 El. KGr 100, Vannes, 20 He 111, 19.30 - 20.20 hrs with 26,736 B1 El. 1 lost cr. in Sea. (X-Verfahren guided). I/KG 51, Melun, 6 He 111 (1), 22.50 hrs with 3 SC 500, 1 SC 250. (4) Alternative Bristol 23.14 hrs with 1 SD 1400, 8 SC 500, 3 SC 250. II/KG 51, Orly, 5 Ju 88 (4), 23.55 - 00.14 hrs with 4 SC 1000. III/KG 51, Bretigny, 6 Ju 88 (3), 23.41 - 00.14 hrs with 2 SC 1000, 1 SC 500, 1 SC 250. I/KG 54, Evreux, 14 Ju 88 (2), 00.20 - 01.20 hrs with 2 SC 500, 4 SC 250, 5 SD 50. (12) Alternative AA nr. Avonmouth 00.20 - 01.20 hrs with 4 SC 1000, 15 SC 500, 2 SC 250, 5 SD 50.II/KG 54, St.Andr�, 9 Ju 88 (7), 01.20 - 02.25 hrs with 15 SC 500. (1) Alternative Bristol 02.05 hrs with 2 SC 500. KGr 806, Caen, 7 Ju 88 (2) 01.25 - 02.43 hrs with 2 SC 1000. (3) Alternative Bristol 01.55 hrs with 1 SC 250, 4 SC 50, 288 B1 El. St/KG 55, Villacoublay 6 He 111 (4), 22.30 - 23.40 hrs with 24 SC 250, 2016 B1 El. I/KG 55, Dreux, 8 He 111 (3), 22.45 - 23.30 hrs with 3 SC 1000, 6 SC 250, 864 B1 El. (5) Alternative Bristol 20.00 - 23.30 hrs with 1 SC 1800, 4 SC 1000, 7 SC 250, 1728 B1 El. I & II/KG 55, Dreux & Chartres, 18 He 111 (17), 19.48 - 20.15 hrs with 4 SC 1800, 12 PC 1400, 3 SC 1000, 15 SC 250, 21 SC 50, 4320 B1 El. III/KG 55, Villacoublay, 13 He 111 (6), 21.55 - 23.00 hrs with 30 SC 250, 2592 B1 El. I/KG 51, Melun, 1 Ju 88, Parnall Yate. Aborted.
17/18: Target - Swansea. Bristol attacked as alternative. KGr 606, Brest, 1 Do 17, 22.45 hrs with 10 SC 50. I/KG 54, Evreux, 1 Ju 88, 00.15 hrs with 1 SC 1000. II/KG 54, St.Andr�, 1 Ju 88, 01.02 hrs with 3 SC 500, also 1 Ju 88 attacked SL SE of Bristol 01.15 hrs with 2 SC 500. KGr 806, Caen, 2 Ju 88, 00.05 hrs with 1 SC 1000, 2 SC 500.
20/21: KG 77, 1 Ju 88, Swansea, Alternative Bristol 21.45 hrs with 1 SC 500, 3 SC 250.
22/23: II/KG 27, Bourges, 3 He 111 (1G+BM, 1G+GP, 1G+GM), afternoon attack on BAC Filton & Parnall Yate. (2) Aborted. 1G+GM, briefed to attack Yate cr. Portbury 14.12 hrs.
27/28: II/KG 27, Bourges, 2 He 111 (1G+CC & 1G+GP) BAC Filton & Parnall Yate, 1 aborted. G1+CC attacked Parnall Yate 14.36 hrs with 7 SC 250 mV. Crew - Oblt. Hermann Lohmann (B); Ofw. Beckmann (F); Sfw. K�ster (Bf); Sfw. Trageser (Bm); Gefr. Hey (Bs).
MARCH 1941
01/02: II/KG 27, Bourges, He 111's, Cardiff. Alternative Bristol (1) 20.10 hrs with 3 SC 250, 8 SC 50.
06/07: I/KG 27, Tours, 1 He 111, BAC Filton 18.25 hrs with 7 SC 250. Crew - Oblt. Hollinde; Ofw. Libuda; Uffz. Weber; Gefr. Schillig; Gefr. Schwarz.
07/08: II/KG 27, Bourges, 1 He 111 (1G+CC), Parnall Yate 14.05 hrs with 7 SC 250 mV. Crew - Oblt. Hermann Lohmann (B); Obfw. Beckmann (F); Sfw. K�ster (Bf); Sfw. Trageser (Bm); Gefr. Hey (Bs).
11/12: KGr 100, Vannes, He 111's, Birmingham. Alternative Bristol (1) 21.53 hrs with 24 SC 50.
16/17: Target - Bristol & Avonmouth. 76 aircraft dispatched to Bristol, 108 to Avonmouth. 107 reported over Bristol, 57 over Avonmouth. 6 lost. Luftflotte 2 was also to take part but poor weather prevented it.
On Avonmouth 5 SC 1000, 12 SC 500, 110 SC 250, 17 SC 250 LZZ, 243 SC 50, 22,824 B1 El. Target Avonmouth:- I/KG 27, Tours, 15 He 111 (14), 23.00 - 00.20 hrs. II/KG 27, Bourges, 16 He 111, 22.55 - 00.26 hrs. Alternative Bristol (2) 00.20 - 00.28 hrs.III/KG 27, Rennes, 8 He 111 (1) 23.45 hrs. Alternative Bristol (7) 22.30 - 00.23 hrs. KGr 100, Vannes, 8 He 111 (5), 22.45 - 23.42 hrs. Alternative Bristol (3) 23.15 - 23.55 hrs. (X-Verfahren guided) I/KG 51, Melun, 12 Ju 88 (3), 23.24 - 23.30 hrs. Alternative Bristol (5) 23.45 - 00.06 hrs. 2 lost cr. Chilmark, Wilts & France. II/KG 51, Orly, 3 Ju 88, 00.45 - 01.18 hrs. III/KG 51, Bretigny, 2 Ju 88, 00.18 - 00.37 hrs. I/KG 54, Evreux, 2 Ju 88, 00.40 - 00.43 hrs. St/KG 55, Villacoublay, 2 He 111 (1) 00.45 hrs. Alternative (1) Whitchurch 22.20 hrs with 16 SD 50 & Bristol 22.25 hrs with 16 SD 50. I/KG 55, Dreux, 10 He 111, 24.00 - 00.35 hrs. II/KG 55, Chartres, 12 He 111 (0). Alternative Bristol (12) 23.50 - 00.01 hrs. III/KG 55, Villacoublay, 14 He 111 (13), 00.40 - 01.22 hrs. Alternative Bristol (1) 00.50 hrs with 5 SC 250 and 288 B1 El.
On Bristol 4 SC 1000, 43 SC 500, 261 SC 250, 7 SC 250 LZZ, 267 SC 50, 80 SD 50, 11,016 B1 El. Target Bristol:- I/KG 1, Amiens, 6 He 111, 21.00 - 21.30 hrs. II/KG 1, Rosier�s, 7 Ju 88, 20.35 - 20.50 hrs. 1 lost cr. France. III/KG 26, Le Bourget, 15 He 111 (14), 21.06 - 22.37 hrs. (Y-Verfahren guided) II/KG 76, Ch�teaudun, 30 Ju 88 (29), 02.00 - 03.25 hrs. 3 lost cr. France. I/KG 77, Juvincourt, 5 Ju 88, 21.58 - 23.25 hrs. II/KG 77, Beauvais, 4 Ju 88, 22.40 - 23.05 hrs.
18/19: III/KG 27, Rennes, He 111's, Hull. Alternative Bristol (1) 04.40 hrs with 3 SC 250, 12 SD 50.
19/20: St/KG 55, Villacoublay, He 111's, RAF Airfields. Alternative Whitchurch airfield (1) 23.00 hrs with 38 SD 50.
29/30: Target - Bristol/Avonmouth. 21 aircraft to Bristol, 19 attacked. 17 to Avonmouth, 16 attacked, 1 to Bristol as alternative.
Target Bristol:- III/KG 1, Achiet, 13 Ju 88 (11), 21.10 - 21.45 hrs with 6 SC 500, 31 SC 250, 5 SC 250 LZZ, 15 SC 50, 540 B1 El. II/KG 76, Ch�teaudun, 8 Ju 88, 21.15 - 21.40 hrs with 32 SC 250, 80 SD 50.
Target Avonmouth:- III/KG 26, Le Bourget, 5 He 111, 21.38 -
22.08 hrs with 5 SC 500, 8 SC 50, 2160 B1 El. (Y-Verfahren guided). KGr 100, Vannes, 12 He 111 (11), 21.05 - 21.53 hrs with 95 SC 50 mV, 8396 B1 El, 840 B1 El ZA. Alternative Bristol (1) 21.53 hrs with 1047 B1 El, 105 B1 El ZA. (X-Verfahren guided).
APRIL 1941
03/04: Target - Avonmouth. 94 aircraft dispatched, 49 attacked, 27 attacked Bristol as an alternative. 1 lost. III/KG 26, Le Bourget, 6 He 111, 21.40 - 22.34 hrs with 6 SC 500, 3168 B1 El. II/KG 1, Rosier�s, 16 Ju 88 (11), 23.30 - 00.10 hrs with 8 SC 500, 8 SC 250 LZZ, 27, SC 250. III/KG 1, Achiet, 10 Ju 88 (5), 23.10 - 00.45 hrs, 2 SC 500, 1 SC 250 LZZ, 15 SC 250, 2 SC 250 LZZ, 10 SC 50. 1 lost cr. in sea off Isle of Wight. II/KG 76, Ch�teaudun, 10 Ju 88, 21.35 - 22.30 hrs with 39 SC 250. KGr 100, Vannes, 14 He 111 (13), 21.22 - 22.05 hrs with 14 SC 250, 216 SC 50, 4200 B1 El, 418 B1 El ZA. Alternative Bristol (1) 22.05 hrs with 1037 B1 El, 115 B1 El ZA. (X-Verfahren guided). II/KG 27, Bourges, 12 He 111 (11), 21.30 - 23.00 hrs with 33 SC 250, 11 SC 250 LZZ, 40 SC 50. I/KG 54, Evreux, 8 Ju 88 (5), 21.16 - 23.25 hrs with 4 SC 500, 12 SC 250. II/KG 54, Evreux, 11 Ju 88, 23.08 - 23.35 hrs with 16 SC 500, 8 SC 250. KGr 806, Caen, 6 Ju 88, 22.02 - 22.45 hrs with 5 SC 1000.
04/05: Target - Avonmouth. 105 aircraft dispatched, 83 attacked. 2 attacked SE Bristol as an alternative. 1 lost. I/KG 77, Juvincourt, 15 Ju 88 (14), 22.48 - 23.55 hrs with 1 SC 500, 42 SC 250, 12 SC 250 LZZ, 3672 B1 El. Alternative Bristol (1) 23.55 hrs with 3 SC 250, 1 SC 250 LZZ, 108 B1 El. II/KG 77, Beauvais, 12 Ju 88 (9), 23.00 - 00.30 hrs with 16 SC 500, 19 SC 250, 2016 B1 El. Alternative Bristol (1) 23.00 hrs with 1 SC 500, 2 SC 250, 360 B1 El. III/KG 77, Juvincourt, 6 Ju 88 (5) 00.40 - 01.30 hrs with 15 SC 250, 5 SC 25 LZZ, 576 B1 El. III/KG 26, Le Bourget 12 He 111 (11) 21.57 - 23.11 hrs with 11 SC 500, 4176 B1 El. 1 lost cr. Hewish, Som. (Y-Verfahren guided). II/KG 27, Bourges, 12 He 111, 21.15 - 22.04 hrs with 36 SC 250, 12 SC 250 LZZ, 54 SC 50. KGr 100, Vannes, 10 He 111, 21.17 - 21.44 hrs with 64 SC 50 mV with B1 El, 8378 B1 El, 838 B1 El ZA (X-Verfahren guided). I/KG 54, Evreux, 9 Ju 88 (7), 21.56 - 23.05 hrs with 8 SC 500, 17 SC 250. II/KG 54, Evreux, 16 Ju 88 (12), 22.54 - 00.23 hrs with 13 SC 500, 30 SC 250. KGr 806, Caen, 3 Ju 88, 22.06 - 22.20 hrs with 12 SC 250.
07/08: Target - Bristol. 22 aircraft dispatched, 13 attacked Bristol, 9 attacked Avonmouth as alternative. KGr 100, Vannes, 1 He 111, 21.25 hrs with 4 SC 250 mV, 24 B1 El. (X-Verfahren guided). I/KG 54, Evreux, 2 Ju 88, 21.25 - 22.00 Hrs with 8 SC 250. II/KG 54, Evreux, 1 Ju 88 (0). Alternative Avonmouth 21.50 hrs with 2 SC 250. KGr 806, Caen, 2 Ju 88, 21.13 - 21.25 hrs with 8 SC 250. I/KG 55, Dreux, 8 He 111 (0). Alternative Avonmouth (8) 22.27 - 00.15 hrs with 7 SC 500, 17 SC 250, 1512 B1 EL. II/KG 55, Chartres, 2 He 111, 22.20 - 22.30 hrs with 2 SC 500, 4 SD 250, 576 B1 El. III/KG 55, Villacoublay, 6 He 111, 00.40 - 01.17 hrs with 12 SC 250, 44 SC 50, 3462 B1 El.
Target - Glasgow, Greenock, Liverpool. 11 aircraft attacked Bristol as an alternative. KGr 100, Vannes, 1 He 111, 00.50 hrs with 759 B1 El, 79 B1 El ZA. II/KG 1, Rosier�s, 2 He 111, 23.05 - 24.00 hrs with 18 SC 250, 6 SC 250 LZZ. III/KG 1, Achiet, 1 Ju 88, 02.20 hrs; I/KG 27, Tours, 1 He 111, 00.42 hrs; and III/KG 27, Orl�ans, 2 He 111 22.28 - 23.55 hrs, with a total of 5 SC 250, 6 SC 250 LZZ, 198 B1 El.
09/10: I/KG 55, Dreux, He 111's Birmingham. Alternative (1) Bristol 00.57 hrs. KGr 100, Vannes, He 111's, Birmingham. Alternative (1) Avonmouth, 22.56 hrs with 32 SC 50.
11/12: Target - Harbour installations at Bristol, Avonmouth and Portished. 153 aircraft over the Bristol area, 98 claimed to have attacked Bristol, 38 Avonmouth, and 17 Portishead. Aircraft from Luftflotte 2 & 3. 5 lost.
Luftflotte 3 dispatched 164 aircraft, 130 reported over the area, 96 over Bristol, 25 over Avonmouth, 17 over Portishead. Target Avonmouth & Portishead:- I/KG 27, Tours, 9 He 111 (3), Portishead 01.15 - 02.20 hrs with 1 SC 500, 4 SC 250, 1 SC 250 LZZ, 16 SC 50, 612 B1 El. Alternative (2) Avonmouth 02.31 - 02.35 hrs with 2 SC 500, 3 SC 250, 1 SC 250 LZZ, 16 SC 50. Alternative (3) Portishead 02.08 - 02.20 hrs with 3 SC 500, 10 SC 250, 3 SC 50. II/KG 27, Bourges, 15 He 111 (9), Avonmouth 01.45 - 02.30 hrs. (1) Alternative SW Bristol. Alternative (2) SE Bristol. All with 40 SC 250, 4 SC 250 LZZ, 66 SC 50, 1152 B1 El. Alternative (3) SE Bristol 01.50 - 02.10 hrs with 12 SC 250, 13 SC 50. III/KG 27, Orl�ans, 15 He 111 (6), Avonmouth 01.30 - 02.15 hrs with 16 SC 250, 4 SC 250 LZZ, 48 SC 50. (7) Portishead 01.25 - 02.25 hrs with 13 SC 250, 2 SC 250 LZZ, 48 SC 50, 2204 B1 El. 1 lost cr. Lydlinch, Dorset. KGr 100, Vannes, 14 He 111 (8), Avonmouth 22.15 - 23.09 hrs with 32 SC 50 mV, 7469 B1 El, 735 B1 El ZA (X-Verfahren guided). Portishead (4) 22.10 - 00.31 hrs with 32 SC 50 mV, 3100 B1 El, 312 B1 El ZA.
Target - Bristol:- II/KG 1, Rosier�s, 10 Ju 88 (9), 01.45 - 02.30 hrs with 9 SC 500, 9 SC 250, 9 SC 250 LZZ, 9 SD 50. III/KG 1, 6 Ju 88 (5), 01.20 - 01.40 hrs with 5 SC 500, 9 SC 250, 4, SC 250 LZZ. 1 lost cr. France. III/KG 26, Le Bourget, 8 He 111 (5), 22.14 - 22.50 hrs with 1 SC 1800, 4 SC 1000, 3240 B1 El (Y-Verfahren guided). 1 lost cr. in the sea. I/KG 54, Evreux, 17 Ju 88 (14) 00.30 - 01.41 hrs with 16 SC 500, 37 SC 250. II/KG 54, Evreux, 14 He 111 (10), 00.20 - 01.30 hrs with 8 SC 500, 32 SC 250, 4 SC 50, 144 B1 El. 1 lost cr. in the sea. KGr 806, Caen, 8 Ju 88 (7), 00.06 - 01.10 hrs with 5 SC 500, 21 SC 250. St/KG 55, Villacoublay, 1 He 111, 01.10 hrs with 2 SC 250, 8 SC 50, 576 B1 El. I/KG 55, Dreux, 17 He 111 (14), 01.42 - 03.00 hrs with 17 SC 1000, 7 SC 500, 24 SC 250, 3168 B1 El. II/KG 55, Chartres, 9 He 111, 01.45 - 02.25 hrs with 8 SC 1000, 1 SC 500, 12 SC 250, 12 SC 50, 2952 B1 El. III/KG 55, Vilacoublay, 17 He 111 (16), 01.21 - 01.45 hrs with 32 SC 250, 126 SC 50, 9072 B1 El. 1 lost cr. in the sea off Cherbourg.
Luftflotte 2 dispatched 17 aircraft to Bristol, 15 attacked Bristol, with probably 2 over Avonmouth. (Units not confirmed):- I & II/KG 53, Vitry & Lille, 15 He 111, 22.15 - 23.27 hrs with 21 SC 1000, 4 SC 500, 25 SC 250, 4 SC 250 LZZ, 37 SC 50, 1152 B1 El.
15/16: Target - Belfast. 9 aircraft claimed to have attacked the Bristol area as an alternative. KG 77, 1 Ju 88, Bristol, 23.40 hrs with 4 SC 250. KGr 100, Vannes, 3 He 111, Avonmouth, 00.45 - 01.18 hrs with 4 SC 250, 1702 B1 El, 170 B1 El ZA. KGr 806, Caen, 1 Ju 88, Bristol, 00.10 hrs with 4 SC 250. 2 Ju 88 SW Bristol and Portishead, 01.45 - 02.33 hrs with 8 SC 250. III/KG 55, Villacoublay, 2 He 111, Bristol, 22.50 - 23.00 hrs with 2 SC 250, 2 SC 250 LZZ, 16 SC 50, 1152 B1 El.
MAY 1941
05/06: I/KG 27, Tours, 1 He 111, Glasgow. Alternative Bristol 00.20 hrs with 1 SC 500, 2 SC 250, 288 B1 El. St/KG 55, Villacoublay, 1 He 111, Exeter AF. Alternative Bristol 03.25 hrs with 12 SC 50, 144 B1 El.
06/07: Unit unrecorded, 1 aircraft, Glasgow. Alternative Bristol 00.13 hrs with 1 SC 1000, 2 SC 250, 288 B1 El.
07/08: Target - Liverpool. Bristol attacked as alternative by 16 aircraft. II/KG 27, Bourges, 4 He 111, 01.15 - 01.50 hrs with 13 SC 250, 3 SC 250 LZZ, 864 B1 El. III/KG 27, Orl�ans, 2 He 111, 01.12 - 01.40 hrs with 12 SC 250. KGr 100, Vannes, 5 He 111, 01.30 - 01.57 hrs with 11 SC 250, 1 SC 250 LZZ, 20 SC 50, 2304 B1 EL. I/KG 55, Dreux, 1 He 111, 01.35 hrs with 1 SC 1000, 4 SC 250. II/KG 55, Chartres, 2 He 111, 02.10 - 02.35 hrs with 2 SC 500, 4 SC 250, 576 B1 El. III/KG 55, Villacoublay, 2 He 111, 01.30 - 01.40 hrs with 4 SC 250, 3 SD 250, 8 SC 50, 8 SD 50, 576 B1 El.
08/09: KGr 100, Vannes, 1 He 111, Derby. Alternative Bristol 01.07 hrs with 864 B1 El.
11/12: Unit unrecorded, 7 aircraft, Filton AF. Alternative Avonmouth (1) 03.30 hrs with 4 SC 250 & Bristol (1) 04.05 hrs with 4 SC 250.
30/31: Target - West Coast Towns including Bristol. 15 aircraft dispatched to Bristol which was attacked 00.35 - 03.14 hrs. Unit unrecorded, with 6 SC 500, 4 SC 250. I/KG 28, Nantes, 12 Bomben B, also 4 He 111's 00.50 - 01.20 hrs Bristol Channel area with 4 BM 1000.
31/01: Target - Liverpool. 6 aircraft attacked the Bristol area as an alternative. Units unrecorded (4), 00.10 - 01.20 hrs with 2 SC 500, 8 SC 250, 30 SD 50. I/KG 28, Nantes, 1 He 111, 1 BM 1000 also 1 He 111, Airfield nr. Bristol 02.10 hrs with 1 Bombe B.
JUNE 1941
01/02: Target - Manchester. 6 aircraft attacked the Bristol area as an alternative. III/KG 26, 1 He 111 Le Bourget, Avonmouth 01.57 hrs with 1 SC 500, 1 Flam 250, 288 B1 El. I/KG 28, Nantes, 1 He 111, Bristol 03.20 hrs with 1 SC 500, 576 B1 El. II/KG 53, Lille, 1 He 111, Bristol 01.20 hrs with 1 SC 500, 4 SC 250. KGr 806, Caen, 3 Ju 88, Bristol 02.20 - 02.35 hrs with 4 SC 250, 4 SD 250, 20 SC 50.
04/05: Target - Filton & Colerne airfields, Gloster Aircraft Co. Hucclecote & Rotol Airscrews Cheltenham. 4 aircraft attacked Bristol as alternative. III/KG 27, Orl�ans, He 111's. (1) Filton. Alternative Bristol 02.25 hrs with 32 SD 50. (2) Colerne. Alternative Bristol 01.45 - 02.10 hrs with 64 SD 50. (1) Gloster Aircraft. Alternative Bristol 00.44 hrs with 1 SC 500, 4 SC 250.
11/12: I/KG 28, Nantes, 1 He 111, Birmingham. Alternative Bristol 04.01 hrs with 2 Bomben B.
14/15: Target - BAC Filton. 10 aircraft dispatched, 8 attacked, 1 lost. KGr 100, Vannes, 8 He 111 (6), 00.58 - 1.41 hrs with 32 SC 250, 60 SD 50, 64 SC 50 (X-Verfahren guided). 1 lost cr. Sturminster Newton, Dorset.
16/17: KGr 100, Vannes, 1 He 111, Gloster Aircraft Hucclecote. Alternative Bristol 01.35 hrs with 16 SD 50.
JULY 1941
04/05: K� Fl Gr 606, Lannion, 1 Ju 88, Birmingham. Alternative Bristol 02.03 hrs with 2 SC 500, 2 SD 250. III/KG 26, Le Bourget, 1 He 111, BAC Filton & AF (X-Verfahren guided). Lost cr. Frome, Som.
APRIL 1942
03/04: Eprobungs und Lehr Kommando 100, Chartres, 1 He 111, afternoon attack on BAC Filton (X-Verfahren guided).
25/26: Target - Bath. 163 sorties dispatched in 2 waves (most aircraft flying double sorties). 1st wave attacked c. 23.30 - 01.00 hrs, 2nd wave from c.04.45 - 05.45 hrs. 151 attacked with 206 tonnes of HE and 3564 B1 El. 4 aircraft lost. (Units confirmed):- II/KG 2, Evreux, Do 217; III/KG 2, Caen, Do 217; IV/KG 2, Evreux, Do 17. 1 lost cr. in the Sea; IV/KG 3 Brussels-Evere, Ju 88. 1 lost cr. Builth Wells, Brecon; IV/KG 30, Ju 88, Br�tigny; II/KG 40, Rennes, Do 217. 1 lost cr. Handley Cross, Dorset; IV/KG 55, Orl�ans-Bricy, He 111; Epgr.u.Lehr Kdo 100, Chartres, (Y-Verfahren guided); K� Fl Gr 106, Dinard, Ju 88; K� Fl Gr 506, Lannion, Ju 88. 1 lost the Sea.
26/27: Target - Bath. 83 aircraft dispatched, attacking from 01.25 hrs with 107 tonnes HE and 7956 B1 El. 1 aircraft lost. (Units confirmed):- II/KG 2, Evreux, Do 217; III/KG 2, Caen, Do 217; IV/KG 2, Do 17, Evreux. 1 lost cr. into the Sea; IV/KG 4 Bourges, He 111; IV/KG 30, Br�tigny, Ju 88; II/KG 40, Do 217, Rennes; IV/KG 55, Orl�ans-Bricy, He 111; Epgr.u.Lehr Kdo 100, Chartres, He 111 (Y-Verfahren guided); K� Fl Gr 106, Dinard, Ju 88.
MAY 1942
23/24: Erprobungs und Lehr Kommando 17, Chartres, 7 He 111, afternoon attack on Avonmouth Docks (2 with Y-Verfahren, 5 with X-Verfahren). 1 lost cr. Shaftesbury, Dorset.
JUNE 1942
27/28: Target - Weston s Mare. 53 aircraft attacked from 01.22 hrs with 28.6 tonnes HE and 18,832 B1 EL. 1 aircraft lost. (Units confirmed):- I/KG 2, Evreux, Do 217. 1 lost cr. France; II/KG 2, Beauvais, Do 217; III/KG 2, Do 217, St.Andr�; II/KG 40, Creil, Do 217; K� Fl Gr 106, Dinard, Ju 88.
28/29: Target - Weston s Mare. 53 aircraft attacked from 02.20 hrs with 27 tonnes HE and 20,096 B1 El. 2 aircraft lost. (Units confirmed):- I/KG 2, Evreux, Do 217; II/KG 2, Beauvais, Do 217. 1 lost cr. France; III/KG 2, St.Andr�, Do 217. 1 lost cr. France; II/KG 40, Do 217, Creil; K� Fl Gr 106, Dinard, Ju 88.
JULY 1942
01/02: Target - Bristol Docks (City Docks to Avonmouth & Portishead code name Unterschlupf). 46 aircraft dispatched, most attacked alternatives. On Bristol 20 tonnes HE. (Units confirmed):- I/KG 2, Do 217, Evreux; II/KG 2, Evreux, Do 217; III/KG 2, St.Andr�, Do 217; II/KG 40, Creil, Do 217.
28/29: Target - Bristol. H�henkampfkommando der Versuchsstelle f�r H�henfl�eg, Beauvais, 1 Ju 86R monitored 08.10 - 09.37 hrs. Bristol 09.21 hrs 1 250 kg HE. Crew - Fw. Horst G�tz (F); Ltn. Erich Sommer (B).
12/13: Target - Bristol. H�henkampfkommando der Versuchsstelle f�r H�henfl�eg, Beauvais, 1 Ju 86R t/o 08.25 hrs. Aborted. Crew - Fw. Horst G�tz (F); Ltn. Erich Sommer (B).
MARCH 1944
27/28: Target - Bristol Docks. 139 aircraft dispatched, 116 reported over Bristol (inc. 11 pathfinders). 13 lost. Bristol attacked 23.58 - 00.13 hrs with 100 tonnes of bombs including practically every kind of incendiary, from B1 El through all variations inc. B1 El ZA, B1 El ZB, B2 El etc, to large Phosphorus Oil bombs. (Units confirmed):- I/KG 2, Nantes, Do 217; II/KG 2, Vannes, Ju 188 (illuminators). 1 lost cr. Wells Som.; III/KG 2, Nantes, Do 217. 2 lost (1) cr. in the sea. (2) cr. France; I/KG 6, Ju 188; II/KG 6 Ju 88; II/KG 6, Bretigny, Ju 88. 3 lost, (2) the sea, (1) cr. Beer, Devon; St/KG 30, Ju 88, Br�tigny; II/KG 30, Orly, Ju 88. 1 lost cr. Berkeley, Glos.; III/KG 30, Orly, Ju 88. 1 lost cr. France; I/KG 51, Me 410, (to attack fighter airfields); St/KG 54, Laon, Ju 88. 1 lost cr. Wedmore, Som.; I/KG 54, Juvincourt, Ju 88. 3 lost, (1) cr. France, (1) cr. Taunton, Som, (1) cr. Ilminster, Som; II/KG 54, Laon, Ju 88; I/KG 66, Laon, Ju 88 & Ju 188, (Y-Verfahren guided). 1 lost cr. in the sea; KG 100, He 177.
APRIL 1944
23/24: Target - Bristol Docks. 117 aircraft dispatched, 93 reported over Bristol attacking from 02.00 hrs with 59.3 tonnes HE and 79.4 tonnes incendiaries. 13 aircraft lost. (Units confirmed):- I/KG 2, Melun, Ju 188's. 2 lost (1) cr. in the sea, (1) cr. Arne, Dorset; II/KG 2, Ju 188, Vannes; III/KG 2, Melun, Do 217. 2 lost, (1) cr. in France, (1) cr. in the sea; St/KG 6, Ju 88; I/KG 6, Ju 188's; II/KG 6, Bretigny, Ju 88. 1 lost cr. in the sea; III/KG 6, Ju 88; St/KG 30, Orly, Ju 88; II/KG 30, Orly, Ju 88. 2 lost, (1) cr. in the sea, (1) cr. Hill Deverill, Wilts; III/KG 30, Orly, Ju 88; I/KG 51, Me 410, (attacking night fighter airfields); I/KG 54, Juvincourt. 2 lost, (1) cr. in France, (1) cr. in the sea; III/KG 54, Laon, Ju 88. 3 lost all cr. in the sea; I/KG 66, Montdidier, Ju 88 & Ju 188 (Y-Verfahren); I/KG 100, Ch�teaudun, He 177; IV/KG 101, Juvincourt, Ju 88. 1 lost the sea.
MAY 1944
14/15: Target - Bristol Docks. 91 aircraft dispatched, 68 reported over Bristol 01.50 - 02.25 hrs with 163 tonnes HE, with 4.65 tonnes on airfields in the Bristol area. 15 aircraft lost. (Units confirmed):- I/KG 2, Vannes, Ju 188. 2 lost, (1) cr. Larkhill, Wilts, (1) cr. in the sea; II/KG 2, Vannes, Ju 188. 1 lost cr. France; III/KG 2, Lorient, Do 217. 4 lost, (3) cr. in the sea, (1) cr. Yeovilton, Som.; I/KG 6, Bretigny, Ju 188. 5 lost, (2) cr. in the sea, (1) cr. Selbourne, Hants; (1) cr. Henstridge, Som., (1) cr. St.Helier, Jersey; II/KG 6, Ju 88; II/KG 30, Orly. 2 lost, cr. in the sea. III/KG 30, Ju 88; I/KG 51, Me 410, (attacks on airfields in the Bristol area); I/KG 54, Evreux, Ju 88. 1 lost cr. in the sea. III/KG 54, St.Andr�, Ju 88; I/KG 66, Montdidier, Ju 88 & Ju 188 (Y-Verfahren guided); KG 100, He 177;
Website produced by Paul Johnson . Last updated 3 March 2014.