Fishponds Local History Society was created in 1979 by John Bartlett and John Penny, both Fishponds born and bred, to promote the study of, and disseminate knowledge about, the local history of Fishponds and the Bristol area.
The society held regular meetings on the first Friday of each month (except January and August), usually with a presentation from a guest speaker, on some aspect of local history. Visits to local places of historic interest were also arranged. The society was affiliated to the Avon Local History Association.
Unfortunately, the society had to close in 2016, but John Penny is still an active speaker on local history in and around Bristol.
The society's founders and officers, John Bartlett, Chairman (left) and John Penny, Treasurer (right), with Paul Johnson, producer of this website (middle).
Website produced by Paul Johnson . Last updated 28 May 2017.